
Geopolitics (1)

Here is some information about well known word "geopolitics". It is very close to every nations, even to resources students. We know that prices, owning, resources management, etc. are really controlled by geopolitical system in the world. When middle east war started, oil price started to fluctuate after that. Do we know why? Yes! Geopolitics controls many things. It doesn't only work on resources part but also military, territorial area etc. So how do we should know about it. I resume some information and post it here. Let's enjoy.

Geopolitical maldistribution of energy resource
Geopolitics comes from “geo” for geography and “politics”. Its simplified definition is about national policy based on the interrelation of politics and geography. Some academic publications also stated about geopolitics. 

  • Saul Bernard Cohen (2003) defined "Geopolitics is the analysis of the interaction between, on the one hand, geographical settings and perspectives and, on the other hand, political processes. (...) Both geographical settings and political processes are dynamic, and each influences and is influenced by the other. Geopolitics addresses the consequences of this interaction.”
  • Colin Flint (2006) defined "Geopolitics, the struggle over the control of spaces and places, focuses upon power. (...)In nineteenth and early twentieth century geopolitical practices, power was seen simply as the relative power of countries in foreign affairs. In the late twentieth century, (...) definitions of power were dominated by a focus on a country's ability to wage war with other countries. However, recent discussions of power have become more sophisticated."
  • Haushofer (1869-1946) defined "Geopolitics is the new national science of the state, a doctrine on the spatial determinism of all political processes, based on the broad foundations of geography, especially of political geography."

Geopolitics is part of international relationship. It control many aspects in a relationship, from military (figure 1) to energy resources.
Taylor (1993) that the revival of Geopolitics had taken shape in three ways:
1. Geopolitics that described global rivalries in world politics.
2. Geopolitics that formed in an academic one, a new more critical geopolitics. Critical historiographical studies of past geopolitics have been a necessary component of this 'geographer's geopolitics'.
3. Geopolitics that associated with the neo-conservative, pro-military lobby. Such studies talk of 'geopolitical imperatives' and treat geography as 'the permanent factor' that all strategic thinking must revolve around.
This situation creates political maps in the world for each countries relationship. For example figure 2 about political maps in 2008. It showed that many countries have conflicts, not only in military, but also island claim, countries border, natural resources, etc. Geopolitics map will be changed or added each time depending on other integrated factors, like market, demands on technology, resources, and supply for food, etc. In this case, it concerns to geopolitical maldistribution of energy resources. This is crucial thing followed by many issued about its supply and demand.

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