
Global Summer School

Nah, kembali ke cerita baru!

Sip, bulan ini banyak sekali hal - hal menarik yang terus memacu untuk belajar. Mari dicoba banyak hal. Kalau katanya saat muda untuk berbuat salah. Mungkin ada benarnya juga jika diterapkan dengan benar. Tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba suatu hal baru. Nothing to lose, Let's try!

Baiklah, di sini ingin sekali berbagi cerita tentang summer school. Silahkan langsung masuk ke websitenya ya >> Global Entrepreneurship Summer School

Yups, informasinya bisa langsung dari website. Sekadar informasi tambahan langsung yang terpercayanya. Acara ini dilangsungkan untuk mengasah sifat dan kemampuan entrepreneurshipmu. Acara ini tingkat dunia dan hanya dipilih beberapa saja yang lolos seleksinya. Semua GRATIS..TIS..TIS kalau terpilih. 
Berlin and Munich are the hubs of Entrepreneurship in Germany – but in Munich the cooperation of the 4 Universities gives the Entrepreneurship Scene a uniqueness in fostering Students to build their own Startups. The two renowned „Universities of Excellence“ – the LMU Munich and TU Munich collaborate together with the University of Applied Sciences and the UniBw in this unique project to foster entrepreneurial thinking among students.
The continuous effort of the four established and successful Entrepreneurship Centers has made them the leading Entrepreneurship Centers in Germany. The joint effort for the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School therefore will continuously foster Entrepreneurship in Germany and around the Globe.
Who can apply?
You have to be enrolled in any university at any time during 2013 and you have to be between 18 – 27 years old. Example: If you are enrolled only until February 2013 you can apply even if you won’t be enrolled in September 2013.”Enrolled” applies in our definition also to MBA or PhD students.

When do you need to have time for a trip to Germany?
Sep 17 – Sep 27 2013

Application process
This year we will accept 35 outstanding students from around the world who will get an invitation to Munich. In addition we will accept 15 virtual participants. All applications will go through a very strict, but fair selection process. The deadline for Early Bird applications will be April 30, 2013. The regular deadline will be May 31, 2013 (GMT -12). We will inform everybody at the latest during the last week of June about their application status.
Participants won’t have to pay for their accommodation. We will provide accommodation from Sep 17 until Sep 27 either in the guesthouse of the LMU or at other places such as appartments of other participants from Munich.
Global Scholarships
International students who are invited to Munich will automatically receive a travel scholarship. The Global Entrepreneurship Summer School will contribute 50% of your total travel costs (mostly flight tickets) up to a cap of € 500,-. Just to remind you, accommodation, travel during your stay and lots of food during the week is also included – for free! Coba baca bagian - bagian merah ini. Tidak ada salahnya mencoba!
Food & travel in Munich
We will provide you for free some exclusive dinners as well as many snacks and coffee during the whole week. In addition we will cover your travel expenses for the public transport in Munich throughout the whole week.

Only if you are a student from Germany or we will charge atutuion fee of € 79,- for early bird applicants and € 119,- for regular applicants per selected participant. If you can provide accommodation to an international participant you won’t have to pay a tuition fee – no matter when you apply.

Please apply here with your CV and motivational letter (max. around 200 words) as PDF attachments. If you have any questions please check first our FAQ Page and if you still have questions please send a mail to info@globalsummerschool.org.  We are glad to be of further assistance to you.

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