
Let's Join IGSC 2013

Buat teman - teman yang sedang tugas akhir ataupun sedang dalam perjuangan lainnya dengan publikasi. Tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba mengikuti International Geoscience Student Competition 2013.
International Geoscience Student Competition 2013 
Kopian sedikit dari websitenya. Silahkan dicek dan diikuti. Mari mendunia! Kita juga setara dengan bangsa lainnya. 

The 4th International Geosciences Student Conference is our mutual opportunity to unite past, present & future of the geosciences. SGS, Geo.X, and many partners and sponsors from industry and academia invite you to come to Berlin, Germany, and spread the vision of Inspiring Change from the heart of Europe to the world. Important time windows for your road to Berlin are:
11 DEC — 15 MAR
Call for Papers
11 DEC — 10 APR
25 APR — 28 APR
Conference & Exhibition

For your ideal IGSC 2013 experience, please consider attendance of the following events in addition to the technical program and recruitment exhibition:
25 APR
Opening Ceremony
26 APR
Conference Evening
28 APR
Closing Ceremony
Farewell Gala
29 APR
Field Trips

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